/ Family / Friends / IT / Support

Support for friends and family

Recently my grandfather asked me to help him install a program on his computer. We live in different cities, so it was quite a challenge to get onto his computer to help him. When I'd last visited, I'd put the TeamViewer Quick Support tool on his desktop so I could guide him to open it via telephone. But when trying to connect to his PC, I got an error message that the version of the tool was outdated and I could not connect. The process of directing my grandfather to the TeamViewer website so that he could download the newest version was not easy over the phone. Then I had an idea: what if I had a dedicated website where non-technical family members and friends could download the current version of my preferred support tool?

help.niels.yt was born

help.niels.yt is a simple website containing a download button that links directly to the TeamViewer Quick Support exe. For good measure I also included some links to my blog and my professional profiles - you never know what recruiters might dig up! 😊 To optimize performance, I embedded all resources and wrote the CSS from scratch. You can find the source code on my GitHub.

What are your tricks to help non-technical friends and family? Let me know in the comments below …

Happy helping

Niels Morf}

Niels Morf

Developer, Larper, Sailor, Human



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